mite help!

i just finished treating my chickens and coop with Pestene dust I have small children if the mites traveled on the children into the house will they die straight away or will they live and keep breading?
If you've been hugging on them, put the clothes into the wash straight away and you should be OK. It's good to keep a pair of "chicken shoes" that are taken off at the door for this same reason.

Ugh, why do these things have to show up in JANUARY??? I'm currently finding them all over the old, chipped bricks I use for miscellaneous purposes, and I may have to burn my cute teeny doghouse nesting box. Not cool. No more bricks.
how long after you dust for mites will they die?
I haven't been able to find any on the chickens, I only see then on my feet when I enter the pen, they look like little spiders i get 100+ runing over my feet. Its now been 3days since i dusted
Got a sprayer? Mix liquid sevin or malathion with water according to directions on the bottle and spray your pen. Dont spray your chickens, too cold. You could spray them or dip them in either solution during the summer though. Make sure feeders and waterers are removed before spraying.
We had a Sultan hen very tiny totally overcome with mites. We tried all of the listed chemicals and gutted and scrubbed our coop twice in a row. We were awash with chemicals and nothing was working. She was basically laying down to die. Finally we flea bathed her with cat shampoo. It worked beautifully and she looked good too. We blew her dry and kept her in over night. This has worked several times when the mites come back. Strangely we find that not all of our hens are infested at once. This is obviously off label but "Stuffing" is very tiny and it didn't effect her at all.
We had a Sultan hen very tiny totally overcome with mites. We tried all of the listed chemicals and gutted and scrubbed our coop twice in a row. We were awash with chemicals and nothing was working. She was basically laying down to die. Finally we flea bathed her with cat shampoo. It worked beautifully and she looked good too. We blew her dry and kept her in over night. This has worked several times when the mites come back. Strangely we find that not all of our hens are infested at once. This is obviously off label but "Stuffing" is very tiny and it didn't effect her at all.

You've got to treat your Sultan and inside the coop twice in 10 days to end the mites lifecycle.
So I cannot find any of the dusts mentioned before..everyone's shelves are empty and I am impatient so I improvised.
I'll probably get some flack for this but I tell you what it worked!
The other day, when it finally warmed up, I mixed a spray bottle of tea tree oil & borax and carefully sprayed my chicken all over, avoiding the face/eyes & ears, and let it sit for 10 minutes, rinsed and shampooed her with an oatmeal shampoo and repeated 2 more times, and allowed the bird to sun dry out in the yard and dirt bath while I heavily cleaned the pen with a borax solution. After she dried I went and checked her all over and there wasn't a single mite left on her body they had all died (hopefully) but definitely fell off which is great for her so she isn't so itchy and seems a bit happier "flying" all over the yard now
That was about a week ago and I'm happy to report she is still mite free =) I think I might keep spritzing her feathers with diluted tea tree oil to prevent more mites.

@dawg53 this is the hen I messaged you about with the feet issues. I am also happy to report they are getting much better and the color is returning so I may slowly integrate her back with the flock in the spring. Also. I am thinking she is actually a Whatever parasite ate up her legs must have gone after her comb as well because her/his body & vent scream male! lol My other hatchlings her/his age have already started producing eggs however mine cries out when it hears one of the others laying and has yet to produce even the smallest of eggs. She/he is favoring an EE/Leghorn mix. Someone said she looks like a bearded leghorn LOL which she totally does.

My banshee on the left and a googled image of the leghorn on the right..I know her/his daddy is an EE lol who knows.

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