Mites and lice


Jan 27, 2022
Ugh my chickens have had lice and mites for a couple months now. I knew they had mites, but always assumed they had very few since I rarely saw any on their face and head. Even when I parted the feathers on their crest. Tonight (past midnight) I was about to give one of my chicks (3 week old, but tiny and getting bullied) to a broody hen who had hatched one chick today.

Then as I was about to leave I noticed the hens whole face was crawling with mites. Looked red and black. I was extremely surprised since I could never imagine she had more than just a couple mites. In the end I decided to not give the chick to her and put it back in the brooder. She still has the 1 chick she hatched herself. I can feel shivers down my spine thinking about how the tiny chick will have mites and lice crawling all over it.

I checked the other hen's faces with a flashlight but none had any visible mites on their face. Only the one hen with TONS. I tried taking a picture, but it's hard to see them.

The 1st photo is her at night (with mites) and the 2nd photo is her in the day (no visible mites)

So I'm thinking I could get something to treat for lice and mites. Which one should I focus on first? Which one would be worse for chicks to get? I'm thinking I'll probably try to order on Amazon, so if you know anything on Amazon for mites and lice than please let me know. A link to it would also be great. Also how are they treated? Like do you put something in their food or put it on their body or something?
I've never ordered anything off Amazon, but I assume it's the same as any other online store.

Big bugs don't crrep me out as much, but little ones that crawl all over you.. eww.
I also have indoor pet budgies and would hate to accidentally give them mites.


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also use food grade diatom earth powder. It is like razor blades to bugs. Organic gardeners use it. I give it to mine in feed for internal parasites---(A tiny bit in about a gallon bucket of food (tiny bit is a teaspoon)---and I put a cup in their dust bath dirt. Use the sticky tape on the roost ends--that catches them when they come out of the nooks and crannies at night. you have to keep your coup clean- and sticky tape will work wonders. There are youtube videos about it.
You need dust the chickens, there is videos on youtube. Then dust 5 to 7 days again for the eggs.
You can also get concentrated Permethrine mix with water and spray coop, of course do not have chickens in coop when spraying. I think it is 10 percent concentrate mix with water sure there will be directions to follow.
Myself am dusting now. Spring cleaning. Also have a sick rooster think it is anemic from the mites.
Was doing some nightitme checks with flashlight, musta missed the roster or the mites were not just not so visible. Hes hard to inspect. Then became somewhat lethargic, held him down and lots of mites.
Ugh my chickens have had lice and mites for a couple months now. I knew they had mites, but always assumed they had very few since I rarely saw any on their face and head. Even when I parted the feathers on their crest. Tonight (past midnight) I was about to give one of my chicks (3 week old, but tiny and getting bullied) to a broody hen who had hatched one chick today.

Then as I was about to leave I noticed the hens whole face was crawling with mites. Looked red and black. I was extremely surprised since I could never imagine she had more than just a couple mites. In the end I decided to not give the chick to her and put it back in the brooder. She still has the 1 chick she hatched herself. I can feel shivers down my spine thinking about how the tiny chick will have mites and lice crawling all over it.

I checked the other hen's faces with a flashlight but none had any visible mites on their face. Only the one hen with TONS. I tried taking a picture, but it's hard to see them.

The 1st photo is her at night (with mites) and the 2nd photo is her in the day (no visible mites)

So I'm thinking I could get something to treat for lice and mites. Which one should I focus on first? Which one would be worse for chicks to get? I'm thinking I'll probably try to order on Amazon, so if you know anything on Amazon for mites and lice than please let me know. A link to it would also be great. Also how are they treated? Like do you put something in their food or put it on their body or something?
I've never ordered anything off Amazon, but I assume it's the same as any other online store.

Big bugs don't crrep me out as much, but little ones that crawl all over you.. eww.
I also have indoor pet budgies and would hate to accidentally give them mites.
I was reading up and apparently mites are nocturnal which is why you only saw them at night.. I need to inspect mine at night as I think my birds have an issue with mites right now! :(
I was reading up and apparently mites are nocturnal which is why you only saw them at night.. I need to inspect mine at night as I think my birds have an issue with mites right now! :(
MItes are hard to see. really tiny. The reason I saw them on rooster. white feathers. Then once holding down I saw all kinds. Thousand or thousands? I had the mites crawling on me. I wash remove clothing, clothing goes straight to washer.
the northern fowl might cannot live from humans needs chicken blood to live, but they still bite. Had them bite me.
I do not know about the red mites.
MItes are hard to see. really tiny. The reason I saw them on rooster. white feathers. Then once holding down I saw all kinds. Thousand or thousands? I had the mites crawling on me. I wash remove clothing, clothing goes straight to washer.
the northern fowl might cannot live from humans needs chicken blood to live, but they still bite. Had them bite me.
I do not know about the red mites.
I have held mine and inspected their feathers so many times but I still don’t see anything! But I can’t figure out why my birds are still missing so many feathers. My latest theory is boredom as I watched them pluck at each other’s feathers for a few minutes.
Google images of what lice & mites do to the feathers then compare them to your chickens feathers.(requires you to carefully inspect them one by one) Sometimes this is the only way to confirm your chickens have mites or lice or both. Just because you've observed your chickens pulling feathers out doesn't mean they don't have mites or lice too. Some can have lice and mites both. Some parasites are only seen with a microscope .

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