Mites... In need of some help, please!


8 Years
Apr 14, 2011
Over the weekend we cleaned out the chicken coop. While doing so, I discovered I had mites crawling on me. I then noticed them on eggs. What can I do to treat this problem. DE has so many mixed reviews on the forum that I don't whether to use it or not to treat as it says its more of a preventive. I want to treat this issue for my girls.

What harm can this to to my birds? Can it effect the eggs that they lay? I also have a broody hen, could this hurt her since she is in the coop ALL DAY? Do the effect people?

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
If your hens have heaps of mites, they can become anemic.

I'd reccomend buying a flea/mite liquid to add to some water and dip them in it, you can probably get something from your local produce store. It's worked for mine.
DE has mixed review when the issue of INTERNAL parasites come up. As far as external issues DE is proven and works wonderfully. A dust bath in DE along with a coop clean-out with warm soapy water is usually suggested. After the clean-out and dry time I would sprinkle DE in the bedding and around the coop as well.

Just so the issue is clear.. DE may or may not (most likely doesnt) help with internal parasites but there is no question that it kills external ones including mites. Usually the arguments are on feeding chickens DE.. not dusting them.

My vet recommends the "Shake N Bake" method.. fill a large sack with DE.. put a chicken in it.. shake and remove chicken. It dusts the chicken well and keeps you from wasting DE.
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DE has mixed review when the issue of INTERNAL parasites come up. As far as external issues DE is proven and works wonderfully. A dust bath in DE along with a coop clean-out with warm soapy water is usually suggested. After the clean-out and dry time I would sprinkle DE in the bedding and around the coop as well.

Just so the issue is clear.. DE may or may not (most likely doesnt) help with internal parasites but there is no question that it kills external ones including mites. Usually the arguments are on feeding chickens DE.. not dusting them.

I seen both arguments on the forum... I'm so confused with what to do. I am picking up the DE tomorrow and trying it... Could this harm the eggs they lay? When we collect the eggs they are visible on the shells.

BTW... Your picture... Jersey Giant?
I just picked up an all natural spray that helps with fleas, ticks, mites, etc. from TSC. I've heard great things about it!! I just got it to have on hand - you can also spray it around the coop.
There are natural sprays as indicated by the previous post. DE (food grade) is edible and wont hurt the eggs. Either will work but if you prefer the spray I say get it. I've personally never had mites but my vet gives lectures on poultry that I've attended and he tells his customers to use DE. Since I keep DE in a dusting bin in the coop if I did get mites I would scratch my head in wonder and probably buy a spray myself hehe.

My pic? Australorpe :)
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what id do is bathe in adams flea shampoo, leave it on for five minutes, rinse and shampoo again, then use ivomec liquid pour on for cattle, a couple drops between their wings on the skin- then seven the coop- after that the DE should keep things under control, the ivomec can be bought as a generic form which is about half the price- hope that helps

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