Mites! - Wash before dusting or after?


10 Years
Jan 30, 2009
St. Amant, LA
My birds are really filthy, I haven't washed them since the shows are over. Should I dust them with
all the other filth on them or wash and dry then dust?
I guess my first question would be why are they filthy? In general, chickens keep themselves pretty clean with the exception of the occasional muddy feet. People often wash them prior to showing to make them exceptionally clean- but if they are 'filthy', then you need to examine your set up to see why they are so dirty- are the perches to close so they are pooping on each other? Are they standing in deep mud/poop?
In answer to your question though- if I wanted to powder my birds for lice, I would clean them up first. Insecticides work on contact- so if there is a layer of filth on the bird, the powder may not penetrate to the feather shafts and skin where the lice usually are.
Thanks. I have Standard Cochins, and the vast amount of fluff on the backside makes it nearly impossible for them to stay "poop-free".
I exaggerated about the filth, I'm used to them being in tip top condition, but it's definitely time for a bath.

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