

In the Brooder
Mar 4, 2022
I think I have the case of mites unfortunately. I have one chicken that keeps raising her legs like she is itching her what is bare butt a few days now. Now I just noticed she has an open type wound where her tail feathers start .after watching her I think she is pecking herself. She did not have that yesterday. How would I use permethrin to treat for mites? I don’t want to hurt her

I need to add what permethrin would I get 13.3 or 10?
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Please post photos of her and her tail/wound.

How old are your birds?

You will need to inspect the birds to see if they have any bugs on them. Lice, usually you can see those during the day. Mites are easier to see at night with a headlamp. Also run a piece of paper towel along the roost, see if it comes clean or if there's smears of bugs and blood.

Permethrin 10 spray can be found at stores like TSC. Follow the directions on the packaging.
This is what I use to treat housing/roosts and nesting boxes.

For the birds themselves, I use Permethrin poultry dust, place the dust in a sock, then use that like a powder puff to dust the birds. Make sure to get around the vent, the tail, under wings, etc. Work the dust down through the feathers to the skin.
Please post photos of her and her tail/wound.

How old are your birds?

You will need to inspect the birds to see if they have any bugs on them. Lice, usually you can see those during the day. Mites are easier to see at night with a headlamp. Also run a piece of paper towel along the roost, see if it comes clean or if there's smears of bugs and blood.

Permethrin 10 spray can be found at stores like TSC. Follow the directions on the packaging.
This is what I use to treat housing/roosts and nesting boxes.

For the birds themselves, I use Permethrin poultry dust, place the dust in a sock, then use that like a powder puff to dust the birds. Make sure to get around the vent, the tail, under wings, etc. Work the dust down through the feathers to the skin.
Thwy are about 2 years old. I tried to take pics one is a short video.
Please post photos of her and her tail/wound.

How old are your birds?

You will need to inspect the birds to see if they have any bugs on them. Lice, usually you can see those during the day. Mites are easier to see at night with a headlamp. Also run a piece of paper towel along the roost, see if it comes clean or if there's smears of bugs and blood.

Permethrin 10 spray can be found at stores like TSC. Follow the directions on the packaging.
This is what I use to treat housing/roosts and nesting boxes.

For the birds themselves, I use Permethrin poultry dust, place the dust in a sock, then use that like a powder puff to dust the birds. Make sure to get around the vent, the tail, under wings, etc. Work the dust down through the feathers to the skin.
They are about 2 1/2 years old. I just added pics one is an accidental video. She was not allowing g me to hold her this time. I did the paper towel no blood and no bugs. I can’t find the dust but I can find the spray


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I'd take a close look at her back, it looks like there's a wound? Clean with saline, chlorhexidine or povidone iodine. Apply triple antibiotic ointment to the wound.

She may be picking at the wound if it itches.

For her bum, it looks like she's being plucked by other hens. I'd inspect to make sure she has no lice on her.

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