~~~~Mix and Match, Make Your Own Batch~~~


10 Years
Aug 2, 2009
Westfield, IN
Mix and Match to make your custom order!

Buy eggs per egg. I will list # of eggs I have available for you to choose from. Take a couple, or take them all!!

Shipping on 6 eggs or less $10. (medium priority box with d/c #)
Shipping on over 6 eggs $15. (12x12x8 box with d/c #)

Eggs will be 4 days old or less when shipped. (updated 4/23 12pm)

$2 / BLRW- 8

$2 / Orpington- 5

$3.50 / Turkey- 1 Taken on 4/23!

$1/ Olive eggers- 8

Please understand that hatching eggs are a risk. I package all eggs the way I would want to recieve them in the mail. As well as they are packed, I still cannot guarantee how well they will hatch after the rough handling of the USPS... Shipping to 'non-red tape' /lower 48 states only.

To order or if you have any questions please reply here.

BLRW- black laced roo over 3 blue laced and 1 splash hen.
My birds came from various breeders with 'show quality' stock.

Orps- Lavender roo over blue and black hens.

Palms- Blue tom over lavendar and black palm hens.
These guys were bought from Porters last fall.
Sorry about the tom's tail feathers...the lavender hen thinks they are yummy!
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