Mixed Bantams


16 Years
May 17, 2007
Escondido, CA
My mixed bantam chicks arrived today! Lost one in a couple of hours but the rest look ok. They've had lots of water and some feed and are running around settling their pecking order in their new brooder. I was sent a few extras... like a LOT of extras! eek!


What cracks me up is the one that looks like a penguin, except the feet. I put an arrow pointing to it.

Happy chicks everyone!

oops! I forgot to say, McMurray hatchery. I was nervous as I'm in So Cal and there's been heat in the desert. But only one seemed to suffer. Tho they are going NUTS for the water.

Now I keep staring at them wondering if they are tired, or 'crashing'. Hopefully they are just tired. I think I've seen each one at the water and food, there are SOOoo many though!!

I wish I could figure out the beautiful silver baby. feathered legs, all silver almost glows, 4 toes, not black skin. I don't think I have any silkies in the whole batch. (bummer!)

Back to watching the babies.


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