Mixed Breed (?) I bought at a flea market!


In the Brooder
Nov 20, 2015
South Texas
She is about 9 weeks old and I got her at a flea market when she was a few days old, mixed with a bunch of other identical chicks just different colors. I completely forgot to ask for the breed, but I'm very sure she is mixed. I know it is almost impossible to tell a mixed breed but I am very curious and would just like to know anything at all!

Here are the other in the cage she was in:

Here she is about a week old:

And then a few of her now, at about 9 weeks old. She just developed that black head about two weeks ago, but looks lke its changing again!

Looks like an Easter Egger, and it's a cockerel. Pullets do not start to turn red in the comb until after 14 weeks old, and that dark red on the shoulders is a classic sign of a rooster.

Your baby is very cute and colorful! I'm not sure what breed he is bit he shows characteristics of a rooster. Long chest by the way he stands upward and the black line on his beak has always been a dead give away for me a my 2 roos. I wish the best of luck with finding the mix breed.
Oh wow thanks for letting me know! I just assumed it was a pullet because my grandma and mom insisted that
I have actually been reading on Easter Eggers since I found a picture that looked just like mine! Thanks for your help!
Yes I just realized as the previous user said too, wow I'm shocked !
As it was in its 4-5th week I actually suspected this myself then I was told it was a chicken, but now I guess it's a roo again! He/She is beautiful regardless but I hope it isnt a roo! Thanks for your help!
Sorry I meant "hen"
I find myself using "chicken" a lot for the females, but yes the seller definitely told me it was a female which is the word she used specifically, but she looked very young and seemed like she just wanted me to hurry and buy it. Good thing I have a family member who is willing to take in some roosters. I guess i'll raise it for a while and have to let it go once it starts crowing and making too much noise for my small neighborhood.
cockerel - interesting color change on his head, and yes, I can see he is starting to change again.
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