Mixed Breed or What?


15 Years
Jun 8, 2008
Delphos, OH
My daughter received these two chicks from school the last week of May. They are about 5 or 6 weeks old now. I'm pretty sure that one is a rooster.....but does anyone know what breed this is? This was about the best picture I could get because they just run from me.

I'm not really sure on breed, but I would guess White Leghorns based on their thin body structure and yellow skin. You definitely have a pair in the pic (rooster on the right).

Yeah, the rooster is going to have to go I'm sure. We don't live in the country just yet and the neighbors won't like the crowing....he hasn't tried to crow yet though.
Yeah, I'm torn between leghorn and white rock. They are skinny...so I'm thinking they are probably leghorns.

His first crow happened this morning at 6:30am! It wasn't too bad and didn't last long

But I still don't want these two making baby chicks!
I just found that out today, thanks! My dad grew up on a chicken farm and told me. Guess a newbie has a lot to learn. lol

As long as the neighbors don't complain too much then the rooster can stay!

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