Mixed flock and new to chickes

I would love some help trying to find out what these 4 are if anyone can help I would be grateful...

I have no idea, my first thought was blue aldesion(sp) but he is a mix with that red leackage , the hen next to him looks like a wheaten ameracana (or in this gase with the nice green legs an EE)
not to sure maybe a wemmser(sp)

golden laced wayndott

i cant see the comb on her but it looks like its straight so eaither a califorina gray or a barred rock (im going with barred rock) but if her comb is a rose comb thenshes a dom but her barring isnt in a cockoo patteren thus i believe her to be a barred rock still
I don't have a guess on the roo, maybe easter egger? rustiehen looks like maybe a wellie, but really tough to tell from that angle. Gingerhen looks like a gold laced wyandotte, and I am going with barred rock for the last one...unless she has a rose comb, then I am saying dominiker
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Looks like an EE roo, Welsummer hen (can't see the leg color or ear color but that's my gut feeling on that one), gold laced Wyandotte hen, and barred Rock hen (guessing she has a single comb and not a rose comb).
It's still hard to tell what kind of comb the barred hen has but now it looks more rose combish. If that is the case, then I would say she is a Dominique. Can you get a straight side on pic of the Wellie looking hen?
The "Gold Laced" Is actually a Blue laced red. There is three color variations in Blue laced red. Yours is the rarest of the three.
Backing up info is There is blue in the lacing. Gold laced have solid black
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