Mixing 2 different feeds?


7 Years
Jan 22, 2013
Ok what about mixing two different feeds together? My chicken math gave me more chickens lol and so feeding only countryside organics will run me almost 125.00 a month, which is outta the budget to say the least!
Can I mix some of the CO into something like layena or southern states without causing some problem? The hens are in rotational pastures so get to scratch for bugs and weeds all day as well.

Thanks chicken experts!
I don't see a problem with using two feeds. People switch feeds all the time, and often have a period when they have two in the feeder.
I don't really see a problem with mixing two layer rations or premade rations (like chick starter with the same % protein). I think the problem comes in when people start cutting these rations with corn etc to save money. By doing so it would throw off the protein and nutritional balance. Just be aware of the protein content if you are feeding chicks. Growing animals need pleanty of protein!
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I personally use 3 feeds and mix them evenly. Poultry grower pellets, grower mash and cracked corn. When I don't use cracked corn I use sweet oats. Some chickens are fussy when it comes down to just one feed and all the birds may not like the same as the others. I variety ensures the picky eaters are getting what they need for nutrition that way.

I will add crumb as well as the third in the mix. Always worked for me and the feeders are always emptied... Go for it, experiment with a pair of feeds... Steve
I feed scratch and layer feed together on occasion. I give them a few extras, corn and Milo, in the scratch. Lower scratch prices should help offset the price of feeding just 100% Layena layer.

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