Mixing breeds in the flock?


8 Years
May 16, 2011
Euless, TX
Hello. I'm preparing to purchase my first chicks and I am wondering if I should acquire all the same breed or if mixing breeds is ok? I am only planning to have a few chicks (3-5). Any help or info is super appreciated!

Variety is Good!
My first flock is 4.5 weeks old; three each of four breeds. They're doing great together. I got them at my local Agway, where, yes, there was a 6 chick minimum, but I could mix and match. I just waited for the weekend she was getting four different breeds in, all ones that fit my requirements.

Mix 'em up!
Variety is great. I am working on getting some of every breed!
BYC is a great place to gain knowledge and friendship with other like minded folks! As a little disclaimer though, In March we decided to get a small flock of 4 - 6 chickens... Well, if you count the chicks I am now up to 55. Good luck on the "few" they are wonderful fun birds!
I agree variety is good especially getting started as it allows you to check out different breeds and which fits you the best. My only concern is introducing very young birds to a established flock, you may have a issue there, it's that pecking order thing

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