mixing week old chicks with 4-5 week old chicks


In the Brooder
Jan 26, 2016
hi all i was wondering if it was wise to mix week old chicks with 4week old chicks ? i hope that this is not a stupid question or has been answered before. i am still learning the BYC website. i have only one brooder box set up right now and a friend wants to give me some week old chicks. i can set up a temp brooder for the 2 week quarantine. Then i would be mixing 6 week old chicks with 3 week old chicks. Is this a good process or should i just pass on the chicks? thanks
Hi there. I'd advise against integrating week old and 4 week olds - the difference in size could end in tears. If you are totally new to dealing with chickens, i'd suggest passing on the chicks - it will be quite a bit of work for you and a steep learning curve. It may be better to wait until you have some experience under your belt before dealing with the situation you describe.

Having said that, if you feel you are up to it, then go for it. Whats the worse that can happen?

All the best
no thats just what i was thinking. i will pass untill i get these younger chicks outside! i dont want to get over my head and lose any chicks from my wrong doing!! thank you!

You're welcome. I reckon thats a good decision jb - all the best with your chicks!

You can do it although other approaches not involving mixing usually easier. For me to mix young juveniles (4-5 weeks) with chicks I combine them at night under no light. The are separated the following morning before lights on but kept close together with a partition between groups. They need to be able to see and hear each all the time during the day. Repeat process so groups imprint on each other. this is a form of forcing that is stressful on the younger birds but when done properly can provide even the young birds advantages later. After about 3 days allow the groups to stay together when lights come on. If all goes well there will be only a very brief period of scrapping where the chicks impress upon their elders they are submissive and part of the same group. Watch this closely and separate if juveniles too rough on smaller birds. I have done this with games where hen of chicks lost and with American Dominiques.
no thats just what i was thinking. i will pass untill i get these younger chicks outside! i dont want to get over my head and lose any chicks from my wrong doing!! thank you!

Might be best to pass on the chicks......good lesson/practice in saying NO to chicken math!

I've done it but had to keep them separated by wire with small door for littles.....it was fascinating, but kind of a pain in the butt.

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