Mixing your own feed...?


10 Years
Aug 2, 2009
Westfield, IN
Hello everyone! I am new to chickens and BYC... I was wondering if anyone gets their feed mixed at the feed mill and if so in what proportions?? I found a couple 'recipies' online but they call for wheat and our feedmill has already sold all of the wheat that was made this year.... Any suggestions? I only have 23 chickens currently but 42 in the bator, so buying the premixed bags is going to costly. However, I want to make sure they are getting balanced rations. If it helps these chickens are allowed to free range a few times a week and even if they don't there is always grass in their 'chicken pasture.' Thanks for your help!
You will probably not save a lot of money by mixing your own feed. You can save some $ if you feed them a diet that is not very well balanced, but in the long run, you are usually better off by buying a complete feed that is balanced for the type of birds you have.
A good feed mill should be able to mix what you want. I buy the stuff they put together locally for about 30% less than the commercially prepared stuff and get a bit more protien to boot.

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