MMMM Santa got yummy homeade cookies!


collects slightly damaged strays
12 Years
Oct 22, 2008
Glen, Mississippi. 40+ chicken years
Wow, Santa is having some really good homeade cookies. Some kinda chocolate with big chucks of chocolate chips and peanut butter chips it taste like. Very good whatever they are.

Now I got crumbs all over the keyboard.

What are the other "Santas" getting?
Santa doesn't come here (as I am too old) and Santa doesn't work here (as I don't have kids)... but I did just scarf back homemade eggnog sugar cookies made yesterday by moi. They were yummy!!
Why is Santa not in bed? The little squealy children will be up at the crack of dawn tomorrow!
Yeah, I know. They'll be bouncing on my bed screamin' "Get UP Daddy, it's Christmas" about daylight in the morning. But I've worked second shift all my life so just can't get to sleep until late. Kids are in bed, "Mrs. Santa" is sacked out on the sofa, so I get to do the Santa thing.

Might have to wake her up long enough to see where she hid the rest of those cookies though. They're GOOD!
Santa got giant Gingerbread men cookies here, but he decided those weren't that great and ate a fresh homemade cinnamon roll that was meant for breakfast instead

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