Moderator suggestion?


Quail Geek
Premium Feather Member
5 Years
May 15, 2019
Klamath County, OR
I am a moderator and administrator on several smaller sites, and I can only imagine the workload on a site the size of this one.

I was wondering if, instead of having a few mods responsible for the entire site, you might consider having more mods, but having them responsible for one section. Each section would have 1 or 2 mods (or more if needed). They would be able to step in in other areas if necessary, but they would really get to know the community that hangs out in their particular section and become both a champion for that group as well as the stick wielder when necessary.

This is a great community overall, and I'm very glad to be a member here.
I think that not assigning them to specific sections allows them to work more as a team, and individual moderators don't typically moderate threads that they previously casually participated in (because there would otherwise be more accusations of bias).

Regarding the workload, I think it might actually be a bit lighter than one would expect. It didn't seem too heavy when I was part of the team, but then again, I was never involved in things like contests, lol. However I'm sure that the relatively recent staff and VPM additions ensure that the workload stays manageable.
A reported post that sits for an hour before it's removed is a problem.

A no-brainer obviously against the rules post.

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