Molded bedding?? Is it still useable?


5 Years
Mar 9, 2014
I'm getting some chicks Sunday ( finally! ) and I'm setting up a temporary area for them inside. The brooder I built is toi big for just 6 chicks. I had this pool in the garage so I cleaned it up and set it up in my tub. I have 2 toddlers so I never have time to take a bath haha.


I'll keep them in here for a week or so and them move them to the brooder pen in the garage.

I was about to put the aspen in when I noticed a tiny bit of mold in the corner.

I didn't see any anywhere else in the bag. Is it safe to use?
I personally wouldn't. Chicks will eat bedding, and moldy bedding might kill them. It's better to be safe then sorry. You can start them out on a couple layers of paper towels to give them good footing and you can sprinkle some feed on the paper towels to encourage them to eat. After a few days you can switch to pine shavings(or bedding of your choice). :)
That's true I didn't think about them eating it. I think I still have the reciept so hopefully they'll let me exchange it.
That's true I didn't think about them eating it. I think I still have the reciept so hopefully they'll let me exchange it.

Another thing to think about is that the spores from mold will cause aspergiliosus (the spelling is probably wrong)) which is a lung disease that can be fatal. I lost almost half of my first flock of chicks from moldy hay.

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