Moldy chicken feed


6 Years
Apr 27, 2016
We went out yesterday to feed and water the chickens and two of r chickens were dead, they wasn't acting sick or anything before so we had no idea what happened to them. Then we went out this morning and are rooster is acting funny and he's all puffed up. We went to feed them and got looking at the feed it it was molded. We throw it out and got new but what can I do for are rooster? My mother -in-law said that he was bloated , what can I do for the rest of my chickens , I don't want to loose anymore?
We did throw it away and got new, the hens are all acting fine I'm just worried about the rooster because he's not acting himself. I seen in another post someone said to do molasses mixed in their water to flush them out.
You may want to post at "emergencies, diseases, injuries, cures," thread, in detail to ask what can be done for your roo.
Hello and welcome to Backyard chickens. Sorry to hear about the rooster. I would flush him with molasses like you said and maybe some epsom salts as a detox. Good luck.

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