Molting and non-existent egg laying.


9 Years
Feb 28, 2015
Seems my 8 girls have been molting forever and a day (3-4 mos) and here it is close to end of summer and I am lucky to get 1-2 eggs a day. I don't recall any of my other chickens going this long with a molt and dearth of eggs. Is this normal and am I being impatient? They are barely 2 yrs old.
My guess is they will complete the molt and restart laying in a bit. Understand that some breeds rapidly drop in production after their second year. This is especially true of the sex link and high production breeds.
Also, days are getting shorter. So, don't be surprised if those girls don't resume laying until the days start getting LONGER!!! Older layers take a longer break. You can provide supplemental light, if you want to get them producing sooner.

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