Molting hen is a bully


Jun 6, 2020
NW Washington state, USA
My first chicken is not quite 2yrs old. She's molting. One month ago, I slowly introduced a trio of pullets to her. She wasn't keen on sharing her enormous coop. But she did eventually work out the pecking order; she's queen, full stop. With a name like Bandia Sicín (Chicken Goddess in Irish Gaelic), what else was going to happen?! 😅

I've observed her behaving like a jealous child. If I give a couple of grubs to the other girls, she pecks them on the head hard. I don't know how she behaves when I'm not around, but I hadn't found any blood or injuries.

Now that she's molting, she's in a foul mood 🤔😅. My female cat's grumpy because I haven't made the rain stop for her 🙄 and my hormones tell me I'm a middle aged female. It's like the three of us are going through menopause!! 😅
So, I've had to separate her from the flock. Is this normal behaviour? Should I buykeep her separate during her molt? It's several weeks before her feathers grow back, yeah? Might she settle down with them when I'm not present? She's a little sweetheart with me alone. She doesn't want to spend time with me now, I presume due to her molt.??
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My first chicken is not quite 2yrs old. She's molting. One month ago, I slowly introduced a trio of pullets to her. She wasn't keen on sharing her enormous coop. But she did eventually work out the pecking order; she's queen, full stop. With a name like Bandia Sicín (Chicken Goddess in Irish Gaelic), what else was going to happen?! 😅

I've observed her behaving like a jealous child. If I give a couple of grubs to the other girls, she pecks them on the head hard. I don't know how she behaves when I'm not around, but I hadn't found any blood or injuries.

Now that she's molting, she's in a foul mood 🤔😅. My female cat's grumpy because I haven't made the rain stop for her 🙄 and my hormones tell me I'm a middle aged female. It's like the three of us are going through menopause!! 😅
So, I've had to separate her from the flock. Is this normal behaviour? Should I buykeep her separate during her molt? It's several weeks before her feathers grow back, yeah? Might she settle down with them when I'm not present? She's a little sweetheart with me alone. She doesn't want to spend time with me now, I presume due to her molt.??
Molting chickens are generally uncomfortable all day long and therefore, I assume, rather miserable.
I would not confine her.
Her pecking the pullets when they try to eat first when she is there is her reminding them of their place. Nothing more. There is no jealously going on. They are chickens.
How much space does your flock have?
Molting is painful. Shes just being grumpy. I agree with the above poster; unless you see her pinning someone down and ripping out feathers / causing injury leave her with the flock. I know I can be a little, Um, b*tchy when I’m in pain too lol. My older hens still peck and chase the younger ones away when it’s treat time. I let it be; noting I can do about it.
Molting chickens are generally uncomfortable all day long and therefore, I assume, rather miserable.
I would not confine her.
Her pecking the pullets when they try to eat first when she is there is her reminding them of their place. Nothing more. There is no jealously going on. They are chickens.
How much space does your flock have?
Molting chickens are generally uncomfortable all day long and therefore, I assume, rather miserable.
I would not confine her.
Her pecking the pullets when they try to eat first when she is there is her reminding them of their place. Nothing more. There is no jealously going on. They are chickens.
How much space does your flock have?

Thanks for your reply! The indoor coop is 132 square feet with an 8ft ceiling. I walled off a section of my garage and made it their coop since it's got a cement foundation, drywall and insulation. I put a metal chicken door in for them so I can let them out into their outdoor run.
Thanks for all of your replies!!! I took your advice and things are going well! Two of the pullets have laid their first eggs! A Cuckoo Marans & the Sapphire Gem! :wee

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