Molting hens - WEIRD issue! (long feather shafts)


5 Years
Jul 25, 2018
Southern California
Hey everyone,
I hope this is the right forum to post in. I have a strange issue. It's fall, so obviously the season for molting. Out of 5 birds in one of my coops, 4 are in a molt. One has already finished and looks beautiful (1.5 year old hen). Another is in process and molting normally (2.5 year old hen). She is losing feathers but growing new ones pretty quick :)

But the last two - ... the new feathers appear to be just shafts. I have never seen anything like it before. They also come out extremely easily. None of the molting birds are laying (which is too be expected) though the one with the most 'stick' like feathers (a 1.5 year old Whiting True Green) seems to be more depressed.

The other hen who has this issue (a mix of Rhode Island Red and Production Blue) had a problem where some of her neck feathers were getting thin (like hair almost). There are a few sparse pin feathers there now. Her new feathers elsewhere, like the Whiting True Green, also have long shafts but at least are not just sticks (they spread out at the end).

They are all on 17% Dumor Flock Raiser, which I switched to 20% Nutrena All Flock a couple weeks ago to see if it would make a difference... but I'm not seeing any change yet (maybe too soon).

I am confused as to why just these two have this problem. I have a flock of 60+ birds with many molting all on the same feed, but just these have the 'stick feathers'.

First 4 photos are of the Whiting True Green. Then two of the mixed bird. Finally the hen who is in a normal molt.

I appreciate advice... I'm really at a loss!


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Give the feed longer, not gonna see much change in a couple weeks. Do you have any high protein snacks like canned cat food, or mealworms you can treat them with occasionally?
Yes, and I'll do that. So you do think it's low protein? I'm just surprised it's only these two showing it. None of my other birds have that issue.
Yes, and I'll do that. So you do think it's low protein? I'm just surprised it's only these two showing it. None of my other birds have that issue.
Some chickens just seem to molt harder and longer than others. It's best not to handle them while molting unless it's necessary. They really don't like it and also you don't want to break any blood feathers. Don't worry, they will be fine.
Yes, and I'll do that. So you do think it's low protein? I'm just surprised it's only these two showing it. None of my other birds have that issue.
They just need alittle extra help. I feed Nutrena Naturewise 20% All Flock Pellets, and include Nutrena 22% Meat bird feed to help them extra during molt.
They just need alittle extra help. I feed Nutrena Naturewise 20% All Flock Pellets, and include Nutrena 22% Meat bird feed to help them extra during molt.
I'll do that!

A side note though: so it turns out they aren't the only ones. I have 3 other birds who are doing it also. But here's the strange thing - they are all wearing saddles. I can't imagine that would be the cause for the long feathers shafts... but it seems an awful coincidence.

I'm still going to increase the protein but am considering removing the saddles on a couple birds.
I'll do that!

A side note though: so it turns out they aren't the only ones. I have 3 other birds who are doing it also. But here's the strange thing - they are all wearing saddles. I can't imagine that would be the cause for the long feathers shafts... but it seems an awful coincidence.

I'm still going to increase the protein but am considering removing the saddles on a couple birds.
I've never experienced this with saddled hens. Wouldn't hurt to see taking them off fixes the problem.
I've never experienced this with saddled hens. Wouldn't hurt to see taking them off fixes the problem.
An update on the chickens. Turns out it was the saddles, at least for some of the hens. The part of the feather that appeared to be a shaft was actually the underfluff being covered by a feather sheath. Normally when a hen preens herself the sheath comes off, but the saddles prevented them from reaching to certain areas.

The hen who had the worst case passed away a couple weeks ago from an Avian Leukosis Virus infection. I'm sure the advanced cancer she was suffering contributed to the poor quality of her feathers, but I did note that the 'stick' appearance mostly disappeared when I took off her saddle.

Thanks for the help everyone.

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