Mom’s hens saddle bald - no rooster.

You mention that you were beginning to think that Boomer was a crow-less rooster...what behavior made you think that? Is she mounting the other hens?

Can you tell us what an all purpose feed is? The protein content?
How much space do you have for the chickens (sq.ft. of coop/run)?
Not mounting just picking on.
The food is Purina for egg layers and the space is large - about 25x25 run for the three of them and the coop is a little bigger than 4x4.
In my area there are no vets that treat chickens. I had called around to no avail. I got online and started doing research. Whatever mites that were on my chickens are gone. I did bathe then originally when I first noticed them, in flea shampoo similar to they way I bathe the birds before I take them to a show. I think the repeated spraying did the trick. I will keep spraying the coops. I don't want a repeat. I never had mites before in all the years I've raised chickens. I have no idea how they got on my birds.
2014-10-23 16.06.07.jpg
Not mounting just picking on.
The food is Purina for egg layers... makes them mixes of whole seeds, oatmeal, meal worms, and they get yogurt and a variety of fresh greens and fruit....and the space is large - about 25x25 run for the three of them and the coop is a little bigger than 4x4.
So you do observe the BR picking on the others-when is this-during roosting, during the day or both?
You have a generous run but a 4X4 coop may be a little tight for large fowl, especially if you have a picking problem. Can you expand the coop or re-evaluate roosting? I know my BR don't like to be crowded while roosting, if someone encroaches on their space, they get it.

Something else you may want to do is see if the feathers are just being plucked out or if the offender(s) are eating them as well. Sometimes too many treats, even though they are wholesome can dilute daily nutritional intake, especially where protein is concerned. A general guideline to follow would be to limit treats to no more than 5-10% of daily intake.

You may want to increase space in the coop if possible, increase protein and decrease fillers or treats. See if that helps. While your at it, re-check for external parasites, make sure to check them after dark too, this is when mites are mostly seen.
So you do observe the BR picking on the others-when is this-during roosting, during the day or both?
You have a generous run but a 4X4 coop may be a little tight for large fowl, especially if you have a picking problem. Can you expand the coop or re-evaluate roosting? I know my BR don't like to be crowded while roosting, if someone encroaches on their space, they get it.

Something else you may want to do is see if the feathers are just being plucked out or if the offender(s) are eating them as well. Sometimes too many treats, even though they are wholesome can dilute daily nutritional intake, especially where protein is concerned. A general guideline to follow would be to limit treats to no more than 5-10% of daily intake.

You may want to increase space in the coop if possible, increase protein and decrease fillers or treats. See if that helps. While your at it, re-check for external parasites, make sure to check them after dark too, this is when mites are mostly seen.
She definitely sees the BR picking on the others during the day and pulling out back feathers. She’s just bought a higher protein feed and is ordering saddle covers for the two plucked hens. She’s also cleaned out the coop, deep dusted DE on everything, dusted the birds, provided them with a bin of it to dust bathe in and got some permethrin spray.

Thank you All for all of your help!

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