Mom of 2 Toddlers Dreaming of Raising Chickens


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 11, 2012
Hi All,
My name is Clara and I live in Manteca, CA. Since I started staying home to raise babies 3 years ago I have learned not only how to cook and keep a household but also gardening, soap making and canning, I also have a direct sales business with Clever Container. My daughter and son are 3 and 1 in September this year. My goal is to find ways to supplement our income without missing out on precious time with my children and husband. I want to raise chickens to have fresh eggs daily. It really bothers me that the eggs in the supermarket are so expensive, I prefer to buy USDA organic eggs but for +$4 a dozen it's hard. The bad thing about eating foods with added hormones and antibiotics such as the eggs that are priced more fairly, is that even though they don't necessarily make you sick when you eat them, you are putting things in your body that are not good for you. With my two babies, I worry that they could possibly get sick from the foods that are contaminated. I don't think that our food industry is regulated enough and I think the big companies that farm chickens treat them badly and the same with cows and pigs. I think it is too easy for contaminated food to make it to our tables and we can't do much about it. That is why I grow much of my own vegetables and want chickens.
You have a beautiful family.
Welcome! To BYC!

I'm from Jacksonville Fl- and I sell my eggs at $3 a doz- and it pays their food but not vet bills or anything else.

Commercial eggs do not have added hormones OR antibiotics, feeding the chickens and building a coop is more expensive then the 4$ eggs.

my first egg was worth over $2000 in just coop cost- all the rest were free...

Big Ag does treat chickens badly with minimum requirements that would make your heart hurt.

above is the USDA regs for eggs.

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