Mom of 2 Toddlers Dreaming of Raising Chickens

Hi, I'm currently in Southern Oregon but grew up in Denair!

Getting started can be overwhelming, but once you get your girls going it's easy to maintain. Coops can be expensive, but if you look for recycled materials it cuts costs down tremendously.

I remember being in the heart of Foster Farms country--those chicken and turkey houses were nasty!
Thank you so much.
You have a beautiful family.
I think you will be very happy to start a small flock - and you and the children will be very entertained and learn lots! this site is definitely the place to start your research and is my experience everyone will be helpful with your questions when you have them! Have Fun!
Hi, I'm currently in Southern Oregon but grew up in Denair!

Getting started can be overwhelming, but once you get your girls going it's easy to maintain. Coops can be expensive, but if you look for recycled materials it cuts costs down tremendously.

I remember being in the heart of Foster Farms country--those chicken and turkey houses were nasty!

Hi, that's neat you are from Denair, right off of Hwy 99. So, you know what, I am thinking of ways to build a chicken coup but I have never built anything in my life and I am totally scared. I have been looking at the plans and pics on this website and there are a lot of ideas. I actually have a small roll of chicken wire and a little wood and things but I have no idea what to do yet. The thing I am mostly worried about is my two kids. I was reading on the CDC website not to have chickens as pets until your kids are 5 years old because of possible salmonella. That is really what is hindering me.
I think you will be very happy to start a small flock - and you and the children will be very entertained and learn lots! this site is definitely the place to start your research and is my experience everyone will be helpful with your questions when you have them! Have Fun!

Thank you! I do want to start with 1 or 2. I know my daughter is going to want to touch the chickens and I am just concerned about the kids' safety as far as getting their eyes scratched out or getting salmonella poisoning. Do you have any pointers on this?

I'm sure you will have a great time tackling chickens! My DH and I just started our little flock this spring, and we have learned so much from BYC. There are some really awesome people on here.

As far as salmonella goes, I'm not sure what to tell you, other than make sure your chickens are kept well and are clean. And of course, teach your children good hand-washing. For eye protection, would your children be willing to wear sunglasses around the chickens? This is what I always do, and I have so far had no trouble. My birds mostly ignore my face, they are much more interested in the yummy things that come out of my hands!

You should probably also do your research about chicken breeds, and try to get ones that will be quiet and docile around your children.

Good luck!
Welcome! To BYC!

I'm from Jacksonville Fl- and I sell my eggs at $3 a doz- and it pays their food but not vet bills or anything else.

Commercial eggs do not have added hormones OR antibiotics, feeding the chickens and building a coop is more expensive then the 4$ eggs.

my first egg was worth over $2000 in just coop cost- all the rest were free...

Big Ag does treat chickens badly with minimum requirements that would make your heart hurt.

above is the USDA regs for eggs.

Oh, you sell the eggs for $3 a dozen? That's good. How many chickens do you keep? What are your vet bills like??
Oh, you sell the eggs for $3 a dozen? That's good. How many chickens do you keep? What are your vet bills like??

I have 24 chickens, some are too old some, some too young, and some are roosters, and I have 15 ducks with 4 of them drakes (males) and some too young, I always sell out of eggs, I take them out every other week to my clients excluding holiday weekends. (like the Friday of the Fourth of July).

I could charge more but I'm waiting for the food to go up, feed here is 16$ for 50# or I can drive 2 hours (about 100 miles (one way) or 1/3 tank (one way) at 3.20 a gallon) and get it for not quite half that (kinda sorta) with the table scraps and forage I give I go through one bag every 1-2 months.

If someone want's just duck eggs they are $0.50 each of $6.00 a doz, mixed (4 duck eggs / 8 chicken eggs) is $3.00 for established customers, 4.00 for new clients, and just chicken is $3.00 for everyone. (chicken eggs are $0.25).

I have spent up to $280 for an emergency bird vet for one of my girls, look into farm vets if you can- that was too much for something she knew what was wrong over the phone... (prolapsed oviduct with fly strike)
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