Mommies, when to stop working? How long to go back to work, etc?

I took off work on my due date, waited for two more week before he made his appearance. I stayed off owrk for 5 months - personal choice - then when I realized I was driving myself crazy, I went back to work.

I never did have extreme fatigue. Standard maternity leave here in CA is 6 weeks, 8 if you have a C-section. Since you work for yourself, you can set your own schedule. And babies fit nicely in a baby backpack.
I still cant believe that Canada gets a YEARS leave.... thats so good!
My last child was premature by 2 months, and that was about the time I was really getting tired easily and wanting to rest a lot. I had a c section and it was probably at least 2 months till I could really get around easily. I once even got stuck in bed because I couldnt roll over! I cant speak for maternity leave but I will say your lucky that you work for yourself and can take on as much or as little as you need. I would plan on lightening work load 2 months before and 1-2 months after.
I dont know if its ALL of canada but Ontario for sure. we get 12 months and mom and dad can share that time like mom can take the first 6 months and dad can take the rest, or mom can take it all or dad can take it all.. the employer must hold the job of the person taking the leave under the employment standards act. but the employer does not pay the employee for this time it goes on the same system as Unemployment so you only get 2/3 of your pay
you feel the most tired and not fit the first 3 months.. after that it is a breeze.. i gave birth naturally with no meds and after birth i was up 1/2 hour later eating lunch..piece of cake.. the only thing will depend on how much sleep you can get with a new baby.. but you should feel pretty good before and after.. you might be a little sore if you tear and have stitches but other than that you should be alright.. just don't rush doing alot.. you need to heal some.. no heavy lifting only the baby.. so enjoy your time off and play with the baby..and congratulations on the pregnancy
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I drove bus till the day before and i was 2 weeks late, if it where not for the c-section I would have went back after 2 weeks, but it was 6 weeks, baby came with me on the bus
been there done that... all 3 of mine were raised on a bus... when my DD went to school full time i went back to school for nursing
Iam a SAM , but n germany there is a law where you dont have to work 6 weeks before and 8weeks after giving birth. If the baby comes early you can tag the weeks the baby came early to the weeks after giving birth. I knowits a different system in europe , but maybe you think iys interesting.
I like to know the maternity leave, not that I actually get it, but it kind of tells me what I should expect to want as far as time off goes. If that makes since.

But it is interesting learning how everyone's location differs on what you get! Hubby is threatening to move to Canada.

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