Monsoon! Chickens clueless!


6 Years
Oct 12, 2017
High Desert, S. CA.
We live in the high desert, and we had a short-lived but powerful monsoon today. It was POURING like mad, and we already had puddles just a few minutes in. I looked out at the chickens (all pullets- ranging in age from 4 to 6 months) expecting them to be in their coops, but all of them were outside, in the run, looking quite bewildered. I waited, but they didn't even consider going into the coops. By now, they were DRENCHED down to the skin. The frizzles looked half their size, and the Silkie, oh my. Let's just say it looked like SERIOUS bed head!

I ran out there, through about 4 inches of water and got all five, in three trips, in between lightning and LOUD thunder, and brought them into our parrot room that is built onto the house. Got out loads of thick towels and wrapped them up and dried them. Took a full hour. I was really worried, but they were fine, despite shivering when first brought in. As wet as they were, I wonder if they wouldn't have died had I not brought them in? Are chickens really this dumb?
Trux, thanks! Yes, it was hot to begin with, but once the deluge started coming down, it got cold simply because things got so drenched. I thought about how worried I'd have been if I hadn't been at home but I suppose you're right, and I'm worrying too much as a first-time chicken owner. I feel better now.
Good that you brought them in & dried them (I would have too) ... Don't let them get chilled. They probably didn't know what was going on, "froze" in place. Sounds like they were soaked to the skin, not sure "shaking it off" would have dried them.

I've noticed when chickens are scared, they'll either "run like a chicken without a head" or "freeze" in place.
We had a bit of a storm here yesterday, 60 mph winds followed by heavy rain, 4" in about 20 minutes, as it hit I ran out and "pushed" my little ones (2WO) inside their coop (brood house). The rest ran under their camper shell,,,, or other cover,,, but only for the heavy rain and wind. Once it let up they were out and about in the rain.
After the rain passed the temp had dropped from 95*F to the low 80s in a few minutes. I bet the drop is way more in the desert!
Trux, thanks! Yes, it was hot to begin with, but once the deluge started coming down, it got cold simply because things got so drenched. I thought about how worried I'd have been if I hadn't been at home but I suppose you're right, and I'm worrying too much as a first-time chicken owner. I feel better now.
No roof on your run I take it. That would solve alot of the rain problem and give them needed shade also. It won't help much though if the rain is getting blown around.
This is my Chicken House (Coop + Run, 8x12x7) ... It gets pretty warm here with humidity and we have lots of day with rain & wind. Next January will be 3yrs, works great for me, just need to figure out an automate closing the curtains, ha ha

ChickNanny, that's exactly what happened! They froze in place, almost like they were paralyzed with fear and confusion. Trux, you're right--there is no roof on the run. They do have shade in at least part of their run for the entire day from big trees. And Rwise, it's true about the high desert! The temp can drop exponentially in a second when it starts raining hard. It was so hard for me to describe, as the raindrops were HUGE.

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