Month old chick losing balance HELP

This is now happening to one of my chicks. About the same age...a month old. What is the answer folks? anyone have a clue? I have never lost a chick or had something happen to my birds.
Try liquid baby vitamins without iron and crush up B complex vitamins and sprinkle on the food. It helped mine but I will tell you that mine seemed to be mareks and they (most of them) recover only to (some of them) have a relapse at point of lay. Good luck.
Thank you. Someone else suggested a vitamin deficiency too but I have a hard time with that one because they get fresh stuff every day and free range. I also still give medicated scratch at this age. I gave it sunflower oil (high vitamin e) mixed in its scratch along with an antibiotic ive had in the fridge for awhile but the chick isn't eating. It's legs are splayed. It's really no worse off today than yesterday but I don't have high hopes that it is gonna get over this, seems pretty bad. No other chick is sick with symptoms so far but I know that doesn't mean much. I am only a few weeks from getting NPIP so...omg! Bacterial, fungal, viral, oh my! Guess without expensive vet test there is no way to know what is goin on. Could be anything.
Thank you. Someone else suggested a vitamin deficiency too but I have a hard time with that one because they get fresh stuff every day and free range. I also still give medicated scratch at this age. I gave it sunflower oil (high vitamin e) mixed in its scratch along with an antibiotic ive had in the fridge for awhile but the chick isn't eating. It's legs are splayed. It's really no worse off today than yesterday but I don't have high hopes that it is gonna get over this, seems pretty bad. No other chick is sick with symptoms so far but I know that doesn't mean much. I am only a few weeks from getting NPIP so...omg! Bacterial, fungal, viral, oh my! Guess without expensive vet test there is no way to know what is goin on. Could be anything.
I have a chick that started with a splayed leg at two days old. Had to use its wing to help balance, but ate and drank fine. I was like you and thought how could it be a vitamin deficiency? After watching this chick hobble around for almost a week I broke down and went and bought Poly-Vi-Sol without Iron and tried to give a couple of drops in the chicks beak. Then I started putting it in the waterer along with apple cider vinegar. I also gave scrambled eggs for extra protein as well almost daily. It took over a week of vitamins and extra protein but I swear to you, you cannot tell which chick it was now. Legs are both straight and right as rain.

All I'm trying to say is try the vitamins....what can it hurt?
Thank you. Someone else suggested a vitamin deficiency too but I have a hard time with that one because they get fresh stuff every day and free range. I also still give medicated scratch at this age. I gave it sunflower oil (high vitamin e) mixed in its scratch along with an antibiotic ive had in the fridge for awhile but the chick isn't eating. It's legs are splayed. It's really no worse off today than yesterday but I don't have high hopes that it is gonna get over this, seems pretty bad. No other chick is sick with symptoms so far but I know that doesn't mean much. I am only a few weeks from getting NPIP so...omg! Bacterial, fungal, viral, oh my! Guess without expensive vet test there is no way to know what is goin on. Could be anything.
Splay legs should be hobbled with vet wrap or tape for a few days. Balance issues or having problems walking or paralysis, you should always try poultry vitamins for a week or so. Avian encephalomyelitis can cause some of these problems in the first month of age. Here is a link to read:

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