Moody Broody


11 Years
Jul 1, 2008
Finger Lakes, NY
Pearl, my white Silkie hen, has decided to go broody two days ago. She managed to park herself on about four eggs, at least one of which I know wasn't hers (oh well). I can deal with it, even though I wish she waited until spring for this. (DH didn't want chicks in the house - oh well too bad now!)

Today I went out and she wasn't on the eggs. I did my chores, and by the time I was done (10 min), she was back on them and "screaming" at me if I got too close (some of you know the broody hen scream).

How long can she be off the nest and the eggs still be viable? It was about 55 degrees in the coop, and I have no idea how long she was off the nest. Will she just continue to sit on the eggs if they never hatch? I don't want to take her eggs if they're still good.

Thanks, wise BYCers!

PS - I'm afraid these might be Silkie-bantam OEG crosses - how homely will these little tykes be?
That is normal because eggs need a cooling period and I agree that she needs to eat, drink, and poop.

I would be worried about the eggs if they were left there for around 25 min. because it is getting colder outside almost every day.
I don't know Peggy. We were picking up her eggs everyday, and one of the other hens laid an egg in the same nest she did, and that's how it all started. Now I think she's sitting on 4. She screams like a demon when we go near her. It's funny really.

She was actually outside in the snow for awhile today. It's strange - she's off those eggs for much longer than I think is normal. I would have to watch her all day to see how long, and that's impossible for me. Then she's back on them and screaming at everyone again.

We're just going to watch and see what happens with her.

Thanks for the responses gang! Happy Thanksgiving!
My white silkie just went broody on a plastic easter egg.
I'm told they will try to hatch just about anything once they decide to be broody. A few months ago there was a thread about weird things they tried to hatch. The funniest was a poor confused hen trying to hatch out horse poo.

I haven't caught mine coming off the nest, but I'm pretty sure she's just waiting to go wander about after I leave for work. She does screech at me like a little feathery velociraptor when I reach for her. Silly little chicken.

Good luck on your broody!

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