Mophers? Goles?


Will Shut Up for Chocolate
11 Years
May 7, 2008
Frozen Lake, MN

I'm hoping someone can help me with this pest problem. I've got acreage in the country, bordered by fields on a couple sides.

Coming from under a stand of pines in my yard, I've noticed a different kind of burrowing rodent the last couple of years. It's like a mix of Gopher and Mole - It doesn't create a "mound" like a pocket gopher, but the runs or tunnels on the ground are larger than moles, and are bumpy - Less straight than moles make.

I suspect it's some kind of gopher. I used to have great success using hoop traps on moles, and gopher bait (poison) on pocket gopher mounds. I can't seem to kill these.

Here's some pics: Pics/Gopher_Runs-2009Jul06_2.jpg


------------------------------------------------------ Pics/Gopher_Runs-2009Jul06_3.jpg


-------------------------------------------------------- Pics/Gopher_Runs-2009Jul06_4.jpg



Any ideas on what they are?

And proven solutions to control them?
Looks like something out of a Syfy movie.

Are you in Nevada.... perhaps you've got Tremors?

OR did you ever watch Caddy Shack?

"HAW, I KILL ME"... Alf
There is a homemade brew which our local gardener guru's have long used for burrowing varmits. Your mounds are weird. But that said, the brew has worked with any burrower I have experienced. I keep my garden and lawn free of these pests while all around me, there can be mounds and new mounds forming. Even the ground gets squishy from the tunneling.

That said, the active ingedient that is the repellent is human urine. So simply collect the human urine, fill a 20 gal. hose end sprayer container and apply to 2,500 sq ft in a lawn setting. It may take a couple of applications and water in lightly. If you want to get serious fast, just apply more concentrated. If I see evidence of their presence in a garden, I put a jar of urine in a 5 gal bucket and pour it along the edges and form a barrier. They are gone! Periodically apply throughout the season and those little varmits are not an issue. At least not here or to anyone I have told about this and they actually did it. They are always, effective and easy.
One of my old neighbor used to use a six pack and a 300 Weatherby. Drink the six pack while waiting for the ground to move. Shoot the moving ground. Those that he didn't kill moved next door.

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