More Bumblefoot advice please!

Mama Farley

Sep 6, 2018
Cluck had surgery Wednesday. Changed dressing Friday and will again today. He’s still not walking. He will stand for a few seconds and plop back down. Yesterday, the swelling looked like it was returning. Should I soak him in Epsom salt? Is it ok to do that with open wound? Poor guy. I just want him well! He hasn’t crowed in over a week!
Can you post pictures of the wound when you change the dressing, and is his foot or leg swollen or red? Did you get any solid material or pus out of the foot? Do you think you got it all? It can be common for swelling after during the surgery. It would help to see what it looks like before recommending soaking.
Here is the OP’s other thread:

Okay, so I just read your other thread, and remember posting on it already. It is usually better to keep posting on the same thread, so that we know the history of the chickens. The picture of the foot doesn’t look too bad. I would be tempted to just keep applying a clean dressing with Neosporin Ointment daily or every other day. On Monday, you may want to check with your vet about an antibiotic if he is still not walking or it is still painful. It can take a while for the wounds to heal. I have never had one get infected. Once the skin has healed, I usually just turn them loose. Did you place him in a crate back with the other chickens?
Here is the OP’s other thread:

Okay, so I just read your other thread, and remember posting on it already. It is usually better to keep posting on the same thread, so that we know the history of the chickens. The picture of the foot doesn’t look too bad. I would be tempted to just keep applying a clean dressing with Neosporin Ointment daily or every other day. On Monday, you may want to check with your vet about an antibiotic if he is still not walking or it is still painful. It can take a while for the wounds to heal. I have never had one get infected. Once the skin has healed, I usually just turn them loose. Did you place him in a crate back with the other chickens?
Thank you! I’m an anxious one, I guess. We bring the crate into the house at night and put the crate with the girls during the day. I’ll post a pic when I change the dressing later.
His foot is still swollen, and he’s still not walking. Hubby says his foot looks a lot better! Now, I have another question. He smells REALLY BAD! He has wet, green poo all in his feathers underneath him. My husband and I were gagging changing the dressing so we didn’t get a picture. I’ve got puppy pads in the crate with Bermuda hay on top of them. We put the crate with the girls today and brought him in late this afternoon. Is it normal for them to smell so bad being in a crate? Shouldn’t the poop be harder?
Can you check his vent area and underneath him in case he could have any flystrike or maggots? He could have something else going on. It is unusual for him to not be walking at all. A chicken sling might be useful to keep him upright and out of his droppings. You can place some food and water right in front of him. Here is a good link with pictures of homemade slings:

You can make one out of netting or material, and this is the basic design:

I checked him. Butt looks fine! He was just nasty! Washed right off. He’s still not walking. Here is a pic of his foot.


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He had quit walking 2 days before we took him to the vet. We were soaking it daily for those 2 days. We have tried lifting him up to get him to walk. Last night, I fed him half a tomato, meal worms and 1 1/2cc of B12. After he ate, he stood up several times but never walked.
You might try some Poultry NutriDrench 2-3 ml, or some B complex ground onto his food once a day. Those would give thiamine and riboflavin (vitamin B 2) which might stimulate appetite or treat a riboflavin deficiency. Do his toes curl or does he sit in a different sort of way? Bumblefoot usually does not cause lameness, only a limp sometimes. If he continues to not walk, I would consider the chicken sling to get him upright for several hours at a time.

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