More polish and pekin bantams!!


5 Years
Jun 21, 2018
QLD Australia
so these are my original girls, Buttercup the Pekin Bantam (aka bantam cochin) and Cher my bearded white crested blue Polish
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I love these girls but I have been working on coloured eggs layers then gosh darn it I found some more polish and pekins for sale from a top guy at a good price.
I got a trio of polish (2 pullets, 1 cockerel) and a pair of pekin pullets. one polish pullet and a pekin will be going to my mother but these will stay, oh my I can not wait until the cockerel is old enough to make babies with my Cher :love I'll be getting some more pekin pullets from him in a few weeks provided they haven't all sold by then (I'm also waiting for his call ducks to hatch) and I'll be on the look out for more polish pullets/hens....
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photos do them no justice

I'm really stoked about this as my Marans and Araucana hatching eggs didn't work out so I now have a whole new project to keep me occupied until I can source some more

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