More then one rabbit in a hutch?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 26, 2009
I was wondering would anyone know if I would be able to keep two doe rabbits in a 8x4 hutch? or would this not be wise?
I have 2 NZW does living together in a hutch about that size. They do great, I think they are sisters. Does normally do not fight, it's bucks you need to keep seperate.
I have a mom and a daughter together, had a male and a female in the same cage no problem too, even while nursing.
Are they currently bred? You need to keep them in diffrent hutches, with their own nest boxes at kindling. Some does will get along just fine (even with young), but this isn't always the case, and one of the rabbits could kill the other. How old are they?
Now I do not have the does housed together when they are expecting. You never know how the second animal might react..or the matron doe! So yea to be safe they should raise their young in their own pen

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