more then one rooster?


Aug 31, 2016
Just wondering if anyone has more then one rooster in their flock. 2 of our four chicks are roosters, we know we will probably have to let them go to new homes, but still hoping that possibly not all roosters bully each other about
In general, you need about 10 hens per rooster. Even one rooster is too many for a flock of 6 or less hens.
Keeping multiple roosters is possible, but you need to have enough females to go around, and a ton of space.
If they're raised together they usually do fine. There is always one that is dominant, but there isn't constant serious fighting. That is also true with cockerels raised in a flock with an adult rooster. They grow up knowing they have a boss and it's all good.

The bigger issue is making sure you have enough hens for the amount of roosters you have. Each rooster should have around 8-12 hens, in my opinion. There is the possibility that they will end up fighting if there aren't enough hens. The hens will also be in rough shape from over-mating as well.

Best of luck!
Thanks guys. Space is definitely not an issue for us, so we may need to look at getting some more hens as we really don't want worse for wear on either sides. Very big help thank from both of you thank you
If you want fifteen or twenty more pullets for your two cockerels, that might be fine, IF both boys are polite and worth keeping. If these are your first chickens, it would be best to get rid of one or both of them. Are your chcis very young, and can you order another larger group of pullets, or many straight run chicks? Then you will have more cockerels to get rid of... Mary
i have 4 roosters , 9 hens, 5 ducks , and two lavender guinea fowl. they were all raised togather and get along with no fighting. the one rooster actually has laid claim to being the watchful eye to the ducks. the other two travel together.
Yeah we were looking at getting another dozen hens. The chicks have just hit 4weeks old. We didn't order any chicks, She laid and sat on the eggs, so I'm not to sure how that works, we have a couple of acres here so their coop his 2mtrs by 2mtrs with a outside run of 2mtrs by 4mtrs that they can hang out in if they don't want to free range.

Bubba the Dad is really placid and calm boy, He really takes care of his little family, we noticed that the rooster chic is hanging out with Dad a lot, which Dad doesn't seem to mind (we think). Dad loves a scratch on his chest and will "perch" on your leg if you sit long enough on the ground. So I am hoping his loving nature (mum is exactly the same) will rub off on the others. But we do understand that that may not be the case. They are our first chicks we have had. I must ask why would it be best to let both go? Just so I have a better understanding on what may or may not happen and explore all best options best for the flock.
I bought an incubator 18 weeks into this venture and so far am on my third hatch from my own birds eggs, I have another 17 in the brooder
Geez!!!! That is a lot! I was so proud of my 4 eggs... now I feel lame LOL. Hearing how people are mixing ducks and chicks is great as that was going to be my next question if I was being to ambitious or not. I'd love a duck but the chooks arrived first. Are all your eggs the same or mix? (duck eggs and chicken eggs) or do you not know?

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