Mornin all, new here and fairly new to chickens


8 Years
May 17, 2011
We live in the midwest on a small lake, and "inherited" layers from some freinds that were moving, and one turkey.

We have 4 that I'm not sure if they are RIR's or what, very nice layers, one white leghorn, she's a cheeky thing, very curious. LOL

Then, we decided that we had enough space to add a few more, and so we answered an ad in the paper from a local gal that was selling pullets, so we wound up with 3 Ameraucanas which I am absolutely in love with. So fun to watch. They were hatched this winter, and two of them had frostbit toes. The black one has nothing but nubs for her feet, so we call her Nubs. LOL She had ordered the eggs online, and had several colors, but we really liked the black and blues. They are really very full personalities, and so much fun.

The lady also threw in a bantam lacy wyandotte. She is so cute and very small but lays and egg a day for us. She's really very sweet.

I am very new at chickens, but so far am really enjoying our small flock, and the eggs that they give us.

I have been reading here for about 4 weeks, and find this site very impressive and full of information for newbies like me.

Sooooo there you have it, that's how I wound up here, clueless and wings on my behind trying to figure it all out.
from SC...
You're gonna love it here!
Welcome to chickens! I love how the chickens all have their own distinctive personality. I am new to them too and was rather surprised by what my concept was of them and how they are. Enjoy!
Hi there and welcome!

So glad to hear you really like your chickens and one turkey! Very sweet of you to adopt the pullet, Nubs! Hope she does Ok with those little nubby feet.....

I'll bet you'll find all the info you need here.....and probably more than you need! LOL And make some friends too!

Good luck with your new venture!

from Connecticut!! There is ALWAYS room for a few more!! That's why we have this large support group called ""
Hi, my name is ADozenGirlz and I can't get enough chickens. Welcome to the club.

I've been thinking about how to better accommodate Nubs with her little stubs and am thinking that maybe carpet on the roosts would help? Wondering if this would be a good hiding place for pests though, any thoughts?

I'll try to get a close up picture of her feet. They are all pretty skid-dish yet.

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