Most Unusual/random thing chewed up by Puppy?

My chocolate lab will eat practically anything.

plastic bags
paper products( napkins are her favoorite)
sanitary napkins

frozen ground beef
other dog's collar
lotion bottles
kitchen cooking utensils
brownies...basically any food that is sitting on the counter
Corn that is growing in the field...she will rip it off of the stalk

One time she ate 5lbs of semisweet chocolate chips, it did not phase her one bit.
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My Golden that we had growing up with chew a LOT of things, but only my dad's stuff. We would all have our shoes outside sitting by the door, and he would pick his out and chew them up. He got ahold of a hose and chewed the whole thing into 1" pieces. Tools, trailer wires, shoes, clothes, gloves, you name it - if it was my dad's it was fair game. He was the best dog though. We were taking care of my dad's exwife's new husband's dog (yeah, did you follow that??) and one of my rabbits got out. The visiting dog was going nuts, and my dog was protecting the rabbit that was under the tool bench. I also got a chick that would sit and peck at his eyes and he would just lay there and let the mean thing do it. He was a total sweetheart... well, according to everyone but my dad
My two Lab crosses (OK - Heinz-57 mutts) had a passion for book covers as puppies. They never ate the pages other than gnawing on a corner, but they'd devour the covers. Otherwise they're fairly boring, thank goodness.

Gus does enjoy gutting his stuffed animals. He'll tear a small hole in the toy and then methodically pluck out all the stuffing. He doesn't eat it, just piles it around himself and goes to sleep in it. So, we picked up several of those floppy dog toys that have no stuffing. He tore holes in a couple of them, and appeared to be shocked and disappointed that the Fun White Filling was lacking. He hasn't tried it since, but he has a pretty steep learning curve, so I'm sure it's coming again at some point.

My aunt once had an American Eskimo who ate an electric razor as a puppy, resulting in a hefty vet bill. In keeping with the personal grooming theme, the same dog ate part of a shower curtain a few months later. At that point, the vet suggested that she be barred from the bathroom.
My shepherd mix ate an entire jar of new peanut butter. He took the lid off, then the safety seal, then he licked the jar clean. He left the jar in the living room and the lid and the safety seal in the kitchen.
We then adopted a bluetick/beagle mix who decided to eat an entire couch cushion one night while we were sleeping.

Good times.

Neither one were very smart, but Sampson(the shepherd mix) took the cake. He had to be tied out in the yard because he could jump the fence. He would still jump the fence to get out of the yard, then would sit in the neighbor's yard because he couldn't figure out how to jump back over.
I knew I'd forgotten one. Our previous dog, another Lab mix (mutt), once ate the entire contents of a one-pound jar of Vaseline when DH and I were at work. It greased her innards pretty well, and went through her pretty rapidly. The resulting mess was epic.
I think my dog is the worst~~~

He will eat, a bar of soap, zest, dove, kids doesn't matter. They must all taste good. Body Lotion again flavor doesn't matter.. Tooth paste, tooth brushes.. Shampoo, condinter .. It's all fair game

It's funny, you wake up to a nice wet kiss, of fresh zest from the dog.. Werdio, it can't taste good!!!

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