Mother attacking 1 of 3 chicks.


9 Years
Apr 14, 2014
So I had a hen laying on 5 eggs, 2 hatched and she has been fine with them, very protective, one more hatched today (2 days later) and it can't really walk, its like its legs are weak not bowed out or anything but can scoot along just not walk. Anyways we pulled it out from under her to check her out and when we tried to put it back she attacks it unless we lift her up and put it under her wing then she just leaves it alone both times. Does anybody have any idea what to do with either problem? She's still on 2 eggs. I read vitamins for the little one should help like b12.
Can anyone help? Worried about my little one. Seems to be getting a little better we been force feeding it that chick vit water . And asking as its under the mom she seems ok with it.

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I would leave it with mom if at all possible. If the chick is unwell for any reason, you can decide if mother nature knows best, or if you are going to attempt a rescue. The hen will peck at you or anything coming at her when she's on the nest or with her chicks. You have to be careful to not get a chick in her pecking range while returning it to her. Mary

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