mother duck has abandoned eggs day 28


12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
My call duck set on 8 eggs until today, day 28. Two ducklings have hatched. One is in the nest with the remaining eggs. The mom is pacing around indoors with the first-to-hatch duckling following her. The mom is one of 4 ducks who have access to a pen outdoors. This morning I closed off that door to outside to to keep the other adults away from the ducklings. Mom is obsessed with going back outdoors and shows no interest in the duckling trailing her or her eggs.
We have a broody chicken in a nesting box in the chicken section. Here's my question: should I put the remaining eggs and the hatched ducklings under her? I can block her in so the ducklings can't fall out. If I do that and the other eggs hatch, then what? I have had hens hatch out duck eggs and they are great moms. Problems come later when it's time to integrated chicken-raised ducks with the other ducks. what are the odds my duck mom with return to her eggs?
My call duck set on 8 eggs until today, day 28. Two ducklings have hatched. One is in the nest with the remaining eggs. The mom is pacing around indoors with the first-to-hatch duckling following her. The mom is one of 4 ducks who have access to a pen outdoors. This morning I closed off that door to outside to to keep the other adults away from the ducklings. Mom is obsessed with going back outdoors and shows no interest in the duckling trailing her or her eggs.
We have a broody chicken in a nesting box in the chicken section. Here's my question: should I put the remaining eggs and the hatched ducklings under her? I can block her in so the ducklings can't fall out. If I do that and the other eggs hatch, then what? I have had hens hatch out duck eggs and they are great moms. Problems come later when it's time to integrated chicken-raised ducks with the other ducks. what are the odds my duck mom with return to her eggs?

My suggestion is to put the duckling and eggs under a broody hen. Let the duck outside and put dummy eggs in her nest. She may calm down and return to her nest if allowed out. Should she return the ducklings can be returned to her at night. Is this a first time mother? Some birds freak out when the eggs hatch. Be prepared to have a chicken raise the ducklings; one problem at a time-Id worry about integration later.
My call duck set on 8 eggs until today, day 28. Two ducklings have hatched. One is in the nest with the remaining eggs. The mom is pacing around indoors with the first-to-hatch duckling following her. The mom is one of 4 ducks who have access to a pen outdoors. This morning I closed off that door to outside to to keep the other adults away from the ducklings. Mom is obsessed with going back outdoors and shows no interest in the duckling trailing her or her eggs.
We have a broody chicken in a nesting box in the chicken section. Here's my question: should I put the remaining eggs and the hatched ducklings under her? I can block her in so the ducklings can't fall out. If I do that and the other eggs hatch, then what? I have had hens hatch out duck eggs and they are great moms. Problems come later when it's time to integrated chicken-raised ducks with the other ducks. what are the odds my duck mom with return to her eggs?

Are there pip marks on any of the eggs or any other signs of life like rocking? Do you know how to candle them? I'd remove them and check for movement by candling if they were mine. Day 28 is a long time for Calls since they usually hatch close to or on day 26. She may have abandoned the nest because the babies didn't make it.
Thanks for the fast replies. I checked the eggs yesterday and at least 5 were tapping. About an hour ago I put the ducklings/eggs under my broody hen and she seems to have accepted them. Mother duck is still out recreating with her pals. I did put 3 chicken eggs into her nest if she decides to set longer. But I'm of a mind to let the hen mother the ducklings. We've had call ducks 6 years now and only one proved to be a good mom.
Thanks for the fast replies. I checked the eggs yesterday and at least 5 were tapping. About an hour ago I put the ducklings/eggs under my broody hen and she seems to have accepted them. Mother duck is still out recreating with her pals. I did put 3 chicken eggs into her nest if she decides to set longer. But I'm of a mind to let the hen mother the ducklings. We've had call ducks 6 years now and only one proved to be a good mom. 

Good luck.
Thanks for the fast replies. I checked the eggs yesterday and at least 5 were tapping. About an hour ago I put the ducklings/eggs under my broody hen and she seems to have accepted them. Mother duck is still out recreating with her pals. I did put 3 chicken eggs into her nest if she decides to set longer. But I'm of a mind to let the hen mother the ducklings. We've had call ducks 6 years now and only one proved to be a good mom.

I really do still think it would be a good idea for you to candle them. If they're internally pipped, which should have happened days ago, they only have around a 3 day supply of air in the air cell.

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