Mottled Silkie (white mottled black, white mottled lavender, white mottled chocolate)


9 Years
Sep 19, 2011
Hi everyone!
My name is Rachel, I'm from Europe!
Here after seeing the Amazing White mottled black of dawn danna we started to work on mottling in silkie feather!There are about 4 silkie breeders in Europe that are working on
I'm working on 3 type of mottling

this is White mottled lavender, ice effect

This is a chocolate, mottling carrying of a french friend

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yeah!There are 2 selective addresses, that wants to reproduce exactly the mottled pattern, with a regular repartition..and that with no care of White spot size and its repartition
Great to hear you!!i follow this fantastic forum since some year and I read a lot of your posts that teached me genetics. My silkie book has dedicates to Sigrid, Suze (you :), Danny and Angela that for sure you know :)
Mottled silkie w white bear feet?


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¡Hola a todos!
¡Mi nombre es Rachel, soy de Europa!
¡Aquí, después de ver el Amazing White moteado negro de Dawn Danna, comenzamos a trabajar en el moteado de la pluma de seda! Hay alrededor de 4 criadores de seda en Europa que están trabajando en
Estoy trabajando en 3 tipos de moteado.

esto es Lavanda jaspeada blanca, efecto hielo

Este es un chocolate, moteado que lleva de un amigo francés.



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