Mountain Peeps's Chat Thread...Continued!


Aspen redeemed herself forever tonight. :wee

We were at church late (eating cupcakes :p), and when we got home, five of the new chickens were on the ROOF of the chicken house (this thing is like ten feet + :th). I just thought they had gone crazy. :rolleyes:

I went out to feed the horses.
And I saw a fox.
An ugly fox. :sick

Esther let Floof Dog out, and she cornered him in a giant pipe in the neighbors yard. :yesss:

So we searched for forty some odd minutes, and FINALLY found a half eaten Bruce Wayne carcass in the pasture. :hit

So we went next-door and shot the fox,
(Wait for it.....)
IT JUST WOULDNT DIE!!! And it kept crawling TOWARDS the gunfire, instead of AWAY from it!!!

Poor, sick, evil fox. :mad: It had been seen on numerous occasions running around IN BROAD DAYLIGHT.
But no more. >=]
Maybe you should send it off for autopsy. ? rabies
Maybe you should send it off for autopsy. ? rabies
Too late for that- outs been dead for well over a week now. I did suspect rabies, but im pretty sure it just had HORRIBLE mange. :/ I warned the neighbors about it too, cuz their dogs like crawling in tubes. :rolleyes:
It was that night when i realized

The dark side really is stronger >=)

But yeah it ate my chicken so i kilked it. Sounds fair, ay? :p

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