Move remaining eggs to heating pad or oven? Moms knocking remaining eggs around while teaching chic


11 Years
Jun 4, 2012
The heading pretty much sums it up. I had 1 chick hatch on day 20, and 1 on day 21. It's now almost 23 days, and there are no signs of life from the other eggs, which are currently getting knocked around a bunch in the nest, while the broody moms teach the chicks to scratch. They were still setting on them this morning, but things are a bit crazy in there at the moment. I was thinking of candling, and moving them somewhere safer. I don't have an incubator. I'm pretty sure at least a couple of the eggs are not viable, but I had good candling on at least one of them at Day 16.
Please help with suggestions of an easy home-made incubator for the last day or two of trying, thanks!
I'm pretty sure two are not viable anymore (and had been doubting them for awhile) they were about 60% air cell, and the dark areas moved quickly. Of the other two, one looks still viable to me, though the air cell is pretty big and saddle shaped. I can still see some veins in the dark area. It's my only blue egg of the 4 I started with, so I really want it to hatch! The other egg I can't see into at all - it's another marans, and it's too light out for me to really check well, but I couldn't even see an air cell.
I currently have the two hopefuls on a hot pad, inside a baking dish, with a towel lightly over the top. (I gave the other two back to the broodies.) I can monitor the temperature with a cooking thermometer. I'm a bit uncertain what to do with humidity. The heating pad has a sponge insert, but I think it was making the eggs too damp - they were damp to the touch when I picked them up after they were there a few minutes - so I turned it back over. I'm trying to keep the temperature at about 99 degrees. This could all be wrong, since I was not ever planning on doing something like this. Any advice would be very welcome!! I don't think they're safe in the nest anymore.
Basically, I need advice on temperature and humidity. I don't have a way to measure humidity, so I'm depending on touch.

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