Movie quotes

It's a wonderful life?

your funny...but no.

here's more clues to that one, since it is rather ? hard with just that quote.

"From the dawn of time we came; moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the Gathering; when the few who remain will battle to the last. No one has ever known we were among you...until now."

Here's one for you:

"It's the dress. You have to put on another one before you meet the children."

But I don't have another one. When we entered the abbey our worldy clothes were given to the poor.

"What about this one?"

The poor didn't want this one.


****ETA: above***
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It's the dress. You have to put on another one before you meet the children."

But I don't have another one. When we entered the abbey our worldy clothes were given to the poor.

"What about this one?"

The poor didn't want this one.

Ah - The Sound of Music. I love that movie!​
Ah - The Sound of Music. I love that movie!

Darn, you beat me to it....I absolutely LOVE that movie!!! I take it no one knows where my quotes came from?
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Hmm.. I cant remember the name of the movie, but I know I've heard that phrase in a horor flick where the bbq'd ribs were uh, human ribs.

same....fried green tomatoes......
Yep, sound of music., I don't but they sound charming and wouldn't mind knowing where they came from.

jdypat...don't know that one but ha ha ha ha....

"Excuse me...pardon me...exuuuse meee" from the movie Hilander where the bad guy is in a car chase and going down the sidewalk hitting pedestrains. My sister and I would say that everytime we drove in her car.

but no one ever guessed on this one....


its from the movie delores claiborne.. a very very good movie
with ahh ahhh kathy bates.. the woman she cleans house for in the movie said this while they were planning the murder of Delores's husband..

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