Moving chickens to coop

Hi grit! That's what I was thinking... It's supposed to be higher - say 50 or so, but they're flying and playing! It's now almost 10:00 pm......I wonder if the heatlamp is messing them up?! I don't want them to get a draft, it's a semi open coop but I covered the run top and sides with plastic for wind & rain protection.
I'm watching them and playing by ear, but I never had chicks before and seeing them "play" at this time of night has me worried......

Are they being TEENAGERS? THAT I can understand!
I moved mine out at 2 weeks. The outside weather has been in the 80's in the daytime, which is what they were enjoying under the lamp. I left the lamp on in their house though, and they go in under it at will, and sleep under it because it's cooler at night.
Luna, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just being chicks. If you have a white heat bulb you could try switching to a red, so they'll learn nighttime is for sleeping. Sounds like they are about ready to be weaned off the light anyhow.
We live in WI and it has been the coldest April ever. Today it is 36F and snowing...seriously not cool with 27 baby chicks that will quickly outgrow the Rubbermaid bins we have them in now. My question is.....can I put them out in the coop at 3 weeks as long as we have like 2 heat lamps going? Thanks, Tammy
I moved mine out last week--they were about 6 weeks old--40's at night and 50-70's during the day. I kept their light on all week last week and let them out for a bit during the warmest part of the day. For the past two days I've turned it off during the day and left the door to their outside pen open all day. Yesterday it only got up to about 60 and every couple times I would check on them they would be out roaming around the pen. I figure if they are out in the grass in the 50's they can handle no heat lamp during the day!
I am moving my girls to the coop tomorrow. I am a first timer with chicks & this has me so stressed. i'm afraid they'll get cold at night so possibly bringing them in at night. Lol My coop has an opening to the built in run. I'm in Se Indiana. It's been cold at night, but 70s this week during day. They're off the lamp
Inside the house. Heck they're flying out the tote on me. I think they're around 6 wks. Just not sure about overnight yet. Am i being an overly protective mom?
I am moving my girls to the coop tomorrow. I am a first timer with chicks & this has me so stressed. i'm afraid they'll get cold at night so possibly bringing them in at night. Lol My coop has an opening to the built in run. I'm in Se Indiana. It's been cold at night, but 70s this week during day. They're off the lamp
Inside the house. Heck they're flying out the tote on me. I think they're around 6 wks. Just not sure about overnight yet. Am i being an overly protective mom?

How old are they, and how cold at night?
Haven't moved them yet. Gave it a trial run during warmest part of day & they favored the run & avoided coop. I'm not 100% on age. Look to be 5-6 wks I think. New. Lol It's still dipping high 30s low 40s for another wk.

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