Moving... should I take the ducks??? Help please!!


11 Years
Apr 8, 2008
North Georgia
We made an offer on a house, hopefully we will be moving next month. It is on over 4 acres, in a subdivision, but there are no restrictions against animals. It is very private and has a creek running through it. I am selling the Guineas for obvious reasons and sold the roosters as well. We will be taking my goats (and dogs) and also my laying hens (will be in a coop obviously). I can't decide what to do about the ducks. We have three Khaki Campbells. I LOVE THEM. We have a 10x10 dog kennel that I keep baby goats in currently, but I won't at the new place because we will be putting up goat fencing so they can't get out (we have field fencing here). Should I keep them in that with a baby pool? Or should I keep them with the goats (they will be kept in the fenced area, and the creek will run through it), is it okay for them to get in the creek? I don't want them to dirty the water for us, the goats, or the neighbors. Sorry for all the questions... I will very much appreciate any input or advice. TIA!
If you really want them, then bring them along! They would LOVE to swim in the creek!!
No, you really shouldn't take them-you should send them to me!

Just kidding-heck yeah, you should take them. Sounds like you have room and facilities for them.
No, you really shouldn't take them-you should send them to me!
Just kidding-heck yeah, you should take them. Sounds like you have room and facilities for them.

LOL! You're silly.

So is it ok to have them in the creek?? Worried about salmonella....?​
I see your concern about the creek. If you had more (like 10) ducks on a small, low flow creek that was almost more of a stream, and you knew that the neighbors relied on it for household water, then yeah, you might need to worry. But three? I wouldn't worry too much. Is the creek going to be where your drinking water is comming from? There are some amazing filters on the market today if you think they are nessecery, but your house may already have them installed. But really, a lot of junk that hits the waterways in terms of bird waste gets filtered naturally pretty quickly. We have wild ducks that play in our creek. We still swim (well, I wade, the kids are small enough to swim in it) and I never worry. So I vote Take Them! Congrats on the new place!

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