Now way I'm 13 and started last summer with six hens but now I'm hatching over 18 eggs hahahahahahahahah :gig

must've been a good summer to start with Chickens cause that's when I took it up. Got at least 40 eggs in one incubator, but 20 chicks'll be good from them as they are all shipped eggs. My extra bator now has about 23 bantam eggs (bought a broody bantam hen and she was sitting on all of them, or trying to). I'm not a teen though

Well I've got zero eggs in the Bator (hubby says NO) and am old as dirt but that's okay :D. I'm having fun watching y'all have fun!

That's so crazy! @Mr Beaks See you're doing it wrong... You don't tell the husband until it's set up already

Yeah, that's exactly what I did last time but with chicks, not eggs :D! The feed store had one sick chick in the brooder that they were going to cull so I brought her home and nursed her back to health right here on BYC. Once she was well I told DH that she needed a friend (he agreed) and off I went to find one. He was NOT pleased when I arrived later that day with a horse trough and 11 two week old chicks! Now if I had won some eggs it would've been out of my control, right? Totally not my fault! :D
Now way I'm 13 and started last summer with six hens but now I'm hatching over 18 eggs hahahahahahahahah :gig

must've been a good summer to start with Chickens cause that's when I took it up. Got at least 40 eggs in one incubator, but 20 chicks'll be good from them as they are all shipped eggs. My extra bator now has about 23 bantam eggs (bought a broody bantam hen and she was sitting on all of them, or trying to). I'm not a teen though

Well I've got zero eggs in the Bator (hubby says NO) and am old as dirt but that's okay :D. I'm having fun watching y'all have fun!

That's so crazy! @Mr Beaks See you're doing it wrong... You don't tell the husband until it's set up already

Yeah, that's exactly what I did last time but with chicks, not eggs :D! The feed store had one sick chick in the brooder that they were going to cull so I brought her home and nursed her back to health right here on BYC. Once she was well I told DH that she needed a friend (he agreed) and off I went to find one. He was NOT pleased when I arrived later that day with a horse trough and 11 two week old chicks! Now if I had won some eggs it would've been out of my control, right? Totally not my fault! :D

You have to work on convincing him of how much they can help and all the benefits.
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Now way I'm 13 and started last summer with six hens but now I'm hatching over 18 eggs hahahahahahahahah :gig

must've been a good summer to start with Chickens cause that's when I took it up. Got at least 40 eggs in one incubator, but 20 chicks'll be good from them as they are all shipped eggs. My extra bator now has about 23 bantam eggs (bought a broody bantam hen and she was sitting on all of them, or trying to). I'm not a teen though

Well I've got zero eggs in the Bator (hubby says NO) and am old as dirt but that's okay :D. I'm having fun watching y'all have fun!

That's so crazy! @Mr Beaks See you're doing it wrong... You don't tell the husband until it's set up already

Yeah, that's exactly what I did last time but with chicks, not eggs :D! The feed store had one sick chick in the brooder that they were going to cull so I brought her home and nursed her back to health right here on BYC. Once she was well I told DH that she needed a friend (he agreed) and off I went to find one. He was NOT pleased when I arrived later that day with a horse trough and 11 two week old chicks! Now if I had won some eggs it would've been out of my control, right? Totally not my fault! :D

You have to work on convincing him of how much they can help and all the benefits.

Yeah, easier said than done but that doesn't mean I'm throwing in the towel just yet ;). Our daughter's birthday is on Easter Sunday this year so we shall see.

Happy hatching everyone and thank you for all the updates! Keep 'em coming!
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