First time using an incubator - a little case of nerves is probably a good thing at this point!
First time using an incubator - a little case of nerves is probably a good thing at this point!  :idunno
That's understandable, I have one I never used either, it's back up in case my bantam aren't broody when I need them to be. I ordered some eggs to come the end of April. They better be ready by then. Sounds like I'm running a chicken sweat shop.
You have to work on convincing him of how much they can help and all the benefits.

I started with "ONLY 10. No more and only 1 type woman. ".3 years later.... 24 adult birds and 12 2 week old chicks and he finally said I could add some color. I ran out and brought home 4 different kinds. He said ok. That was a week ago. This past Saturday HE went out for breakfast and some hay for nest boxes and came home with NO FOOD but 6 new chicks.
but don't tell him there are 64 eggs from different places in the incubator right now. Most aren't mine but some are
LOL. And my husband thinks I have a problem because I loaded the incubator with 27 Easter Egger eggs.

Nope, that's me... I am pretty sure my main incubator is completely full at 42 (might only be 41) plus I had to pull out the spare to stick some bantam eggs in (it was an EMERGENCY
-no bantam hen can sit on 23 eggs, even if they are bantam eggs)
Nope, that's me... I am pretty sure my main incubator is completely full at 42 (might only be 41) plus I had to pull out the spare to stick some bantam eggs in (it was an EMERGENCY :p -no bantam hen can sit on 23 eggs, even if they are bantam eggs)

yes. Big emergency. Half my incubator is full of bantam eggs now. Never had them. Are they sweet? Evil? Out of the 6 my husband brought home 3 are bantams. SOOOOO TINY!!
. Most of the eggs are a friends and will go back but she said I could have some.
yes. Big emergency. Half my incubator is full of bantam eggs now. Never had them. Are they sweet? Evil? Out of the 6 my husband brought home 3 are bantams. SOOOOO TINY!!
. Most of the eggs are a friends and will go back but she said I could have some.

My bantams are high-strung but otherwise sweetish. They're so small I was worried that I wouldn't be able to put them on range, but they're just neurotic enough that I'm not worried anything will catch them. You'll want a covered run, though. 6 foot fences are no problem for those little guys if they decide to escape. (Or get inside one of the other pens, as the case may be.)
I love my bantams although my DH2B says they're not really chickens and shouldn't count. I have 4 oegb(black, self blue, and bbr) 1 golden laced sebright, 1 bantam barred cochin(not sure she's pure), and 6 silkies and I adore them all. I want to add more too, but we'll see. Two of my silkies are currently broody and sitting on eggs. I have heard that some bantam roos can be aggressive but the only bantam we've had that was aggressive was a hatchery sebright mix, yep not even pure, that was crazy. My oegb are super sweet especially my black pair and my lavender. A couple of my silkies follow me like puppy dogs. Our golden laced sebright is also sweet and has mellowed out a ton since she began laying. Many people say bantams are bad layers but we must have the best laying bantams in the world then BC one of my silkies gives me an egg at least 5 days a week. Their egg while smaller than a large fowl egg is also much larger compared to their size. My bantams' first eggs were larger than our silver laced wyandottes' first eggs

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