I got it. Thanks!

My husband doesn't dare ask how many I have in the incubator. My cabinet bator is almost full. I don't know exactly how many but there's somewhere around 200-is right now lol. He did say that I need another brooder going for ask the chicks that hatch
Wait until you have 2 cabinets AND a a few "spare" Genesis 1588s lying around and running.

I guess I'm lucky, my husband says whatever makes me happy, so I have to control myself, which doesn't always work too well this time of year.

That is very lucky! This is the time of the year to go chick-wild!!!

My Pet Chicken
MPC, any idea when your Buff laced Polish chicks might be back in stock? I really wanted to order some hens... As you have the best prices I can find... Sorry if you don't know!
The buff laced polish I got two years ago from MPC are some of my best layers, I was quite surprised.
My husband doesn't dare ask how many I have in the incubator. My cabinet bator is almost full. I don't know exactly how many but there's somewhere around 200-ish right now lol. He did say that I need another brooder going for all the chicks that hatch
My husband finally broke down and agreed to let me build a two level brooder out of pallet wood and some old closet doors. He got tired of chicks in the shower.
I had no idea that we had so many young people. We were discussing the other day at MPC that we would LOVE to find a teenager who loves chickens and has their own egg/chicken business to interview and maybe send some eggs to track their progress of being incorporated into the business. If any of you are interested please send me a PM and once we work out the details we will let you know.

There is NO such thing as too many least that is what I tell myself and all my friends. I don't have the nickname "Queen Enabler" for nothing. ;)
Thanks for recognizing the youth on here! I would love to do something like that, unfortunately I'm not quite into this on a serious business level (yet) so I may not be what MPC is interested in for the interview portion. However I am quite the information geek, I love finding every possible bit of info within my hobbies to try and be as successful as possible. I'm only on my first hatch here and am already keeping charts of my progress, since I started keeping chickens I planned to keep a bunch of different charts to track my birds in every way possible. Maybe MPC could create a thread that is for the youth and every so often MPC could sponsor a hatch for the next great chicken hobbyist/breeders or something similar. I think it would be awesome for it to be similar to this giveaway, but instead of it just being a giveaway it could be a "MPC youth track a hatch" where the winner/s share their progress with everyone. (Maybe I'm saying more than I should lol)
I had no idea that we had so many young people. We were discussing the other day at MPC that we would LOVE to find a teenager who loves chickens and has their own egg/chicken business to interview and maybe send some eggs to track their progress of being incorporated into the business. If any of you are interested please send me a PM and once we work out the details we will let you know.

There is NO such thing as too many least that is what I tell myself and all my friends. I don't have the nickname "Queen Enabler" for nothing. ;)
Thanks for recognizing the youth on here! I would love to do something like that, unfortunately I'm not quite into this on a serious business level (yet) so I may not be what MPC is interested in for the interview portion. However I am quite the information geek, I love finding every possible bit of info within my hobbies to try and be as successful as possible. I'm only on my first hatch here and am already keeping charts of my progress, since I started keeping chickens I planned to keep a bunch of different charts to track my birds in every way possible. Maybe MPC could create a thread that is for the youth and every so often MPC could sponsor a hatch for the next great chicken hobbyist/breeders or something similar. I think it would be awesome for it to be similar to this giveaway, but instead of it just being a giveaway it could be a "MPC youth track a hatch" where the winner/s share their progress with everyone. (Maybe I'm saying more than I should lol)
Love this idea Braxton!
Thanks for recognizing the youth on here! I would love to do something like that, unfortunately I'm not quite into this on a serious business level (yet) so I may not be what MPC is interested in for the interview portion. However I am quite the information geek, I love finding every possible bit of info within my hobbies to try and be as successful as possible. I'm only on my first hatch here and am already keeping charts of my progress, since I started keeping chickens I planned to keep a bunch of different charts to track my birds in every way possible. Maybe MPC could create a thread that is for the youth and every so often MPC could sponsor a hatch for the next great chicken hobbyist/breeders or something similar.

I think it would be awesome for it to be similar to this giveaway, but instead of it just being a giveaway it could be a "MPC youth track a hatch" where the winner/s share their progress with everyone. (Maybe I'm saying more than I should lol)
I love your ideas. I can't comment yet on the plan but we will hopefully have all the information very soon. I'll post the information here and also make a separate thread for it. I am VERY excited about it and can't wait to see how far we can go with it.

My Pet Chicken

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