much ado about VA

Hi all!

I'm new here and love all the information that is available. We have no chickens right now, but I'll be ordering 15 as soon as I can. I know I'm going to get 6 red star, 6 black star, and 3 of something else, I'm just not sure what. My family and I live in Fauquier county. I told our kids, 5 and 8 yr old girls, that if they feed the chcickens and gather the eggs, they could have 1/2 the money they get for selling the eggs. The other 1/2 would go to the upkeep of the chickens. : )

Hubby will be building a 8X8 coop, with a 8X18 run. With 15 chicks, how long should I expect to keep them in a brooder, and how big should it be? I've already bought a small feeder and waterer.

I look forward to chatting with everyone!

Newbie from the Lynchburg area here!

I've finally convinced DH that I need chickens and now I'm deciding what to get and where to buy from. Anyone local have any chicks/pullets/birds for sale?

I'm not set on any paticular breed at this point. I thought my kids would enjoy Araucunas because of the colored eggs. But I also want brown eggs, too. I want them to lay large sized eggs similar to the size you'd get in the grocery store. I have 4 young kids, so I'd prefer birds that are reasonably friendly.

I also want to get some Bantam birds for fun and to have as pets. I really like the look of the silkies and I've read the Mille Fleurs are really friendly.

I'll respond to all PM's! Thank you!

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