Multi flock and the Doves... Ugg


11 Years
Aug 19, 2008
My poor main rooster got canker. My fault, kept letting those pretty morning doves hang out. Just needed to know If anyone knows if it is safe for ducks to drink the copper sulfate water???
The doves cause this? They have overrun my coop, my yard. 10 at a time. What to do? How do you get rid of them without closing the coop door?
Bleach out your water dishes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look in your chicken's mouths and if there is cottage cheese stinky stuff it has started. They say copper sulfate is a preventitive and will help cure it. If they have it already Flagly (fish zole) will also help cure it. They get it from Dove, pigeon salivia from the water source. I just found all this out. AUGH. My poor main rooster is going through a hell of a time. Still waiting on the flagly.

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