multiple broody hens


9 Years
May 9, 2010
Cabot, AR
I have 3 SLW hens that are all broody. I let them set on some eggs, and one tried to hatch today, but it got mashed by the 2 hens who insist on sharing a nest. There are still 3 eggs left, one is pipped, and the other 2 are fertile and should hatch in the next day or two. My question is this...should I separate one hen and let her have all 3 eggs, or should I let each hen have an egg and (hopefully) hatch out their own chick. Do I have to keep them separate if they do successfully hatch all three eggs or can they all go in one pen together?
If they were my chickens, each mom would get one and they'd all go in the same pen and raise the chicks together.
Have you ever had multiple mommas in the same pen? I can probably make 3 small pens inside the main run, it just will be a pain to do.

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