Multiple hens in nest boxes


5 Years
Jun 5, 2014
I have a flock of 13 layers, I have 6 nest boxes, every once in awhile when I go out to check the boxes I will find 2 or sometimes three hens in a box. Is there some reason for this? From what I read you can allow for up to 1 nest box per 4 hens, my ratio is 3:1. The other odd thing is that 2 or three boxes may be empty when they do this. Do they just have favorite boxes or what? The empty boxes are even on different levels. I worry because on extremely warm Kansas days, like today, I think this would stress them out. I gently pull the extra hens out and they will go right back in, like they are trying for a Guinness book of world records or something.

My hens do the same thing!

Yes, they certainly do have favorite nest boxes. I have had two hens on a nest and even lines of three hens waiting for their turn for a favorite nest. Chickens will actually hold eggs in until they can get to their nest, when they run to it joyfully.

Chickens can over heat, but it shouldn't be a problem for just a few minutes of laying. You could do some tricks to get them to use the other boxes though. Put extra bedding in them and put a fake egg in. You can use a real egg and mark it (I call these bait eggs) and the other hens will think it is a really good nest box that other chickens laid in.

Good luck!
I think it's just part of their socializing - sort of like how people (women mostly) often visit the public restrooms in groups. It happens all the time with my layers, it can't be just a favorite nest box because the favored nest changes from day to day, but the eggs are nearly always all in the "nest of the day".
My hens have six nest boxes but all want mainly one of them. There's often a line formed for the one nest with everyone watching while the hen occupying it lays her egg. Who would believe it but for picture proof?

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